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Creating a Safeguarding Culture

Our Commitment

Westmoor Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website.

Safeguarding Leads

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Sharon Trundley, Head Teacher.

Our Deputy DSLs are Lisa MacPherson, Abigail Cheetham, Nicola Woods, Emily Rigg, Harriet Hewitt and Sarah Dundas

The safeguarding team can be contacted via the school office.

Safeguarding in Practice

We actively undertake our safeguarding commitment in a number of practical ways – these include:

Our staff

  • are DBS checked as part of the recruitment procedures in place

  • are made aware of our safeguarding policies and procedures during their induction

  • attend safeguarding training throughout each year, incorporating updates

  • have photographic ID and use coded access to buildings

  • receive weekly updates regarding emerging issues and incidents

  • record incidents and actions on our electronic system, which are analysed half termly by safeguarding leads to reflect on practice


  • actively engage with a PSHCE curriculum that teaches them how to look after themselves and to keep safe

  • know of safe adults, beyond the family, to confide in at times of distress or danger.

  • are taught online safety as part of the computing curriculum

  • engage in an annual NSPCC ‘Speak out, Stay safe’ assembly and activities

  • attendance is monitored and unexplained absences are followed up the same day by phone calls and a home visit

  • have information around them to offer support through posters and displays



  • are encouraged to share any concerns with school and know how they can report these concerns

  • are aware that we are an Operation Encompass school and can offer support

  • are offered an Early Help approach to gain maximum support as soon as possible

  • are offered Wellbeing advice and links to useful websites to support their own children

  • are offered an open door facility to visit school and have any devices installed with parental controls. Advice is also given around home Wi-fi and games consoles

  • are surveyed regarding e-safety and information is provided accordingly


  • Receive appropriate training and a Lead Safeguarding Governor has regular meetings with Safeguarding Leads in school to ensure policies, procedures and systems are compliant.

Safeguarding Training Plan 2021-22

Safeguarding Training Plan 2022-23

Safeguarding Training Plan 2023-24


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