Westmoor Primary School is a Trust School which provides primary education for children aged 3 – 11 years.
The Admission Number for each year group (excluding Nursery) is 45.
The Governing Body is responsible for determining admissions into Reception, and they operate an equal preference system for processing admission applications, whereby each admission authority must consider any preference you give the school regardless of the ranking on your application form.
How to Apply
You MUST apply for your place in Reception at Westmoor Primary School. Full information on how to apply for a place in the school (including an online application form) is available on North Tyneside Council’s website School admissions | North Tyneside Council.
Alternatively, you may complete a paper application available from North Tyneside Local Authority.
In-Year Applications
If you wish to apply for a place in any other year group at Westmoor (Key Stages 1 and 2), then you should complete an In-year Application form which can be found by following this link: In year transfers | North Tyneside Council
Completed forms should be posted to:
North Tyneside Council,
Access Team,
2nd Floor left,
Quadrant East,
Silverlink North,
Cobalt Business Park,
North Tyneside,
NE27 0BY.
If you have any queries please contact the Access Team on 0191 643 8724. Please note that this form cannot currently be completed online.
Prior to application the head teacher would be happy to provide a tour of the school and to answer any questions. You can arrange this by contacting the school office either by email: office@westmoorprimary.org.uk
Or by calling (0191) 6432260.
In accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code, a timetable for appeals which can be viewed by clicking the link below:
Timetable 2014-15 Trust Schools and Academies PDF
Further information on School admissions can be downloaded using the following links: